1) This is the reported for timeline for Season 3 of Bridgerton: "Season 3 of Bridgerton, set in 1815, focuses on Colin and Penelope's romance."
2) This is the reported timeline for Queen Charlotte: "1817
The death of Princess Charlotte, the royal heir, prompts the queen to pressure her children to marry and produce another heir. The series is set after the events of Bridgerton season two, but before season three."
There's a conflict there - how do the events of 1817 (Queen Charlotte) occur BEFORE Season 3 of 1815 (Bridgerton) ??
AND ... if 1815 does in fact come before the events of 1817, why is there no mention of Lord Anderson (Lady Danbury's brother and love interest of Violet Bridgerton in Season 3) in Queen Charlotte ??